Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Old Pictures.

I was cleaning out and going through a box of old pictures and found a few "farm related" that I thought I'd share.  Of course - they were pre-digital pictures - and since I don't have a scanner I used today's clouds as a wonderful opportunity to get as good a replication as possible (when photographing a photograph).  If you're curious - this is best done in natural - filtered light (a cloudy day) without using a flash on your camera.  

The first is an old pic from about 1980 of my mom and me.  We were planting apple trees on one of the farms and went to see the goings on.  I guess this is how to give someone an early start in farm life :)

This is our current market under construction in 2002.  We've come a long way!

The view out the front door of the new market.  Look - it's the old market and packing house!

And this - this could be the saddest, most horrific picture any farmer or lover of all things produce, green and spring could ever see.  The date in the corner was March 20th 2001 I believe... and if you can't tell... that's sleet and snow around blooming peach trees.  Let's all hope this doesn't happen this year (or any other year for that matter).

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