Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Fever and Freezers

While the weather is absolutely GORGEOUS this week - it is important to remember... It's still early.  We are being tricked a little into thinking there's no more cold - and while we believe (hope) there's no more bitter cold - it's not yet time to plant your garden or spring plants.  Too risky.

This weather makes me want to be outside.  Last weekend we did hours and hours of yard work.  We pruned, cut grass, hauled off debris, and took time to sit in a chair under our oak tree and plan a patio and back yard renovation (that won't take place for years!).  It also made me hungry for grilled and fresh food.  Thankfully that was a real possibility.  Thanks to Dad's freezer!

I don't know about you - but there are two things I've noticed about food lately.  The first is, it seems to be costing more and more.  And the second is it never tastes as good as I want it (if I'm thinking about produce from any store). 

After working outside all day Saturday, we made a Taco Salad for dinner.  While there's not that can be messed up about lettuce and onions from the grocery store - the rest of the salad is special to me.  I used some fresh corn that I got from Dad's freezer, along with one pretty good grocery store tomato to make a corn salsa.  I just drained the corn and added some spices, the diced tomato and a few hot peppers from a jar and let it sit all day in the fridge.  I'll put together the entire recipe and share it at a later time - I was experimenting with it but it turned out okay :)   And no - there's no picture of the finished product b/c I ate it all before I thought about that.
My point is - you can have fresh veggies all year - and now is the time to start planning for next year.  If you see people running ads for freezers - think about buying one this year.  It's so easy (and cost effective) to freeze fruits and veggies.  We use Ziploc freezer bags which make for good portion sizes and that's all you need!  Most veggies have to be blanched before putting them in the bags - but it only takes a few short minutes to do that and you can eat well all winter.  

Stock up on your bags and clean out your freezer!  Also save glass jars if your're interested in canning - we'll have lessons in that as the time draws closer.  When our crops come in - you won't want to miss out on the freshness and the deals of buying this summer and putting up for your fall and winter.  It's something you, your family and your bank account will thank you for!  

Frozen Broccoli to the Rt - Okra and Peaches Below. And lots more in the freezer that I didn't unpack to photograph (zuchinni, squash, peas....) you name it!


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